Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So now what

Well Thanksgiving is just around the corner...for most people back in the US that means lots of turkey, stuffing, and all that other good stuff...but not for 4 Guys at 14,000ft, for us it means time for another adventure!

As everyone state side is sitting down for the feast we should be crossing the border of Chile as we race towards the Pacific coast for a few days of camping and relaxing...¨relaxing¨ you say...well we need to build up strength because after that we are going to spend a few days hiking around Sajama (the highest Mt. in Bolivia) and trying to find some hotspings that are out in the desert so we can take a dip.

Yea so all in all life is good...always an adventure on the horizon!


Blogger Mom/Barb said... are you going to write about your 14,000 foot escapade? I just love to read about the things you're doing!!Christie and I were musing about the possibility of you bumping into President Bush, who was in Chili!!

9:04 PM  

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